Fri 10 Jan
Thanks Knoxville--Be back Friday May 13th 💋💋 "TIFFANY" 💋💋 606-202-1112 💋💋 - 25
(Coming Back Friday, May 13th., Knoxville)
Thu 09 Jan
The Weekend is Around the Corner...Start the Party Early w/ Wild & Sexy BBW!!! Call now 4 Avail!! - 32
(Knoxville, Sevier County & Surrounding Areas)
This Cali Woman Can Warm You Up!!Private Upscale River View Incall Special Rate! No Texting Please! - 43
(Knoxville, UT Downtown Knoxville)
SAT 9-2PM! I'm The Reason Santa Even Has A NAUGHTY List! 💋MILF-A-LICIOUS💋 CandyCurves - 39
(Knoxville, West INCALL-
Wed 08 Jan
*150 ALL WEEK! Xtravagant, Xploration Of The Senses w/Former Adult Model FF Breasted CandysCurves! - 38
(Knoxville, West Knox/Cedar Bluff)
.📶865-230-2851 📞 100$ special 2day📢💮Don't be FOOLED🃏 by FAKES! ♒Text▶Call Now📲 - 25
(Knox.Gburg..p.forg🗻will Travel to you🚕, Knoxville)
$60 specials with kayleexoxo alwayz in the mood for a gentleman incall/outcall - 25
(Knoxville, west knox)
A Flirty Sweetheart for Your VIP Taste! - 19
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
Tue 07 Jan
*~*~*~* $60 InCaLL SoFt SeDuCtIoN EnD yOuR wEeKeNd WiTh A sMiLe *~*~*~* .... 2 GIRL sPeCiaL!!! $150 - 23
$80..$100..$160 lets party tonight.nothing is thicker or sweeter than HONEY - 25
(Memphis, wolfchase mall area)
*kiNkY~ bLonDe*$ ~BeAutY*~is HerE to PlaY*~ NEW/very nice/very clean incall Location - 22
(Knoxville, west knoxville)
Love Having Fun ? Angelas Playmates . 24/7 . Incalls & Outcalls {865}454~0165 - 21
(Knoxville, Knoxville Tennessee)
♡ ItS Saturday TiMe To GeT CrAzY & LeT Me PlAy WiTh U ♡ ASK bout SPECIALS ~~ - 24
(Knoxville, West Knox and sweetwater)
• ❤ • ✪ • ❤ • Keep This ☎☎☎☎ Jumping ❤ • ✪ • ❤ 60$ q u i i c k incalls + more $$$ = more FUN ❥❥❥❥ - 19
(Memphis, ✈ sycamore view ✈, incall specials)
Dont fall for fake ads! Only see a well reviewed provider! Leaving soon... - 26
(Knoxville, knoxville and surrounding)
-:¦:-S i N F U L L ¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ S D U C i V ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG -:¦:- - 21
(Knoxville, W. Knoxville)
Great attitude! Great reviews and a Great special! - 19
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, In town)
**Hey loves its Lexi... and im having great specials tonight so dont miss out** - 23
(Knoxville, knoxville OUTCALLS ONLY)
Mon 06 Jan
✈soon to Arrive ✈100%Real 📷 T◯P 👠N◯T∁H 10★RoYAL TREAtMEnT LooKS☆GooD☆ FeeLS Even Better - 23
sexy single Blonde Bombshell $50 in call special $50 Call me now $50 - 38
(Knoxville, Knoxville North)
Sexy experienced playmate ready to please
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
specials open 24hours incalls hard day and need to RELAX im ur girl - 23
(Knoxville, North Knoxville Tn)
~~~~~Rain Rain, Go Away~N*ughty Boys~NEED to Play with Me!! ^^^^^^ 200 in/out^ - 30
(Knoxville, rt 40 exit 407/ Sevierville/ Gatlinburg)
NaUgHy LiL FreAK NexT DooR *❤.•* GORG£OUS *•.❤* ❤ £XOTiC MiX£D ❤ ▓▒ N3W NUMB£R!! - 22
NEW Hola Papasitos💋Se Hablo Espanol Llamame 716-286-5426 - 23
(Knoxville, Knoxville Area Incalls and Outcalls)
MONDAY ALL DAY 36 d Sexy Single Blonde 1or 2 Girl AVAILABLE ALL WEEK* UP LATE* - 23
(Knoxville, Knoxville TN In and Out)
Lovely Layla thick Latina goddess Ask about Specials - 27
(Knoxville, Knoxville west cedar bluff incall only)
I have LeFt KnoxVille * Thank you For a great Visit * but it's way TOO HOT , good luck and stay safe - 37
(Knoxville, I have left THE AREA)
75$pEcIaLs! *~*~* CoMe GeT a REAL BeAuTiFuL dEaL!!! *~*~* MuLti-HouR $pEciAls!!! - 22
(Knoxville, north knox)
Let Me Take You Somewhere You've Never Been Before
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, In your arms ;))
KELLY- (850-624-0072) Hhr Specials.💦💧👅😘 COLLEGE Hottie 🔥🔥 Dont Miss These Big Pretty Boobs ! - 21
(Knoxville, WEST KNOXVILLE!!!!)
I'm Friendly* Fun$ Sexy* Sweet $Come c me for THE PERFECT TREAT *$* - 24
(Knoxville, Nashville, Hermitage, Antioch, Airport)