Mon 27 Jan
~Delicious Beauty Here For Your Erotic Pleasures~ OUTCALLS ONLY - 23
(Knoxville, Knoxville,Sevierville,Pigeon Forge)
Fire up your Friday Night with this Wild & Sexy BBW who knows how to get Freaky! Call now 4 Avail! - 32
(Knoxville, Sevier County & Surrounding Areas)
$exi, $weet & Discreet**** Ready 2 Meet! {$PECIAL$ 4 a LIMITED TIME ONLY} - 24
(W.KNXVILLE & surroundings)
Gentlemen Come Unwind and Relax with A Licensed Massage Therapist!!Call Me Now!!! - 24
(Incall private residence, Knoxville)
Dont miss out on this rare beauty Knox top notch reflection of perfection! 100$ incall special 24-7 - 26
(Knoxville, knoxville out/in)
~CAUTION~ Extremely SeXy BlOnDe ... 80 DOLLAR SPECIAL!! 2 girl special!!! JUST ASK!! - 22
College Cutie " JOCELYN" NeW iN tOwN .. specials all day - 18
(Knoxville, Cedar bluff area, Incall only)
Come Nite Nite With Me Baby🌸REAL 🌸Beautiful Burnette With Hazel Eyes🌸 - 23
(Knoxville, Knoxville Area Incalls Only)
College Girl is Fetish Friendly and into Role Play. Available Now! - 19
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
Blonde SPINNER☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE ▬ [×❤×] MESMERiZiNG LOOKS [×❤×]Blonde SPINNER☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE ▬ [×❤×] - 28
(In out West East North, Knoxville)
🎀🌹Chloe's World Come JOIN🌹🎀 !! 👳Race Friendly 🚛Trucker Friendly👅 All Night Early Morning🔆 - 22
(In & out call knoxville, Knoxville)
Blonde Bombshell!! First time in the area!! Scheduling appointments now!! - 26
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Incall Nashville/outcall surrounding are, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
💎 (๏人๏) BUSTY persian playmate💋 ready 2 play📞 ♥ ▬▬▬ LAST DAY!!! ▬▬▬ ♥ Mouthwatering Curves - 22
(Knoxville, Knoxvill)
Angel~Eyes...Knoxvilles newest sexiest MILF - 36
(Knoxville, Knoxville and surrounding outcalls only)
80hh 120fh BeAuTiFuL ReD HeAD Tonight only mature men ONLY. .SpEcIaLs. - 23
(Knoxville, Where ever U want me...)
10/26-30th! Live Lavishly! Lust, Debachery & Self Indulgence w/💋MILF-A-LICIOUS💋 CandyCurves! - 39
(Knoxville, West Knoxville INCALL ONLY- 30+ Only)
( Absoultely the Best Compainion)* New in town now until ($unday ) 100 $ $pls spls *** - 22
(Knoxville, ddowntown knoxville)
865.236.6024 Naughty & Nice sensual and sweet with a wild side X in Lenoir City & knoxville - 20
(Knoxville, Lenoir City & knoxville)
Sun 12 Jan
Wanna be Pampered like a KiNG?👑Call the Exotic BBW Queen🍒Juicy Jezebel Im Back 9012352569 - 26
(Knoxville, North Knox)
Turn YOUR Blue Monday into a Sensual Fun Day with a Sultry & Succulant Older Mature BBW!!! - 50
(Knoxville, Knoxville/Incall)
❤SATURDAY 9-3pm!❤ XXtreme Curves aHEAD w/Former ADULT Model & Actress FF Breasted CandyCurves! - 39
Sat 11 Jan
this is the only #8652310841 u will need,offer it all with few limitations. - 26
(south knoxville incall out)
Fri 10 Jan
$60 **SPECIALS** incalls /outcalls with ALANA 865-661-6034 gentlemens choice (I'M UP LATE) - 22
ALL COWGIRL/ NO BULL;) ** back in town ** body rub specials before 11a ** ! verified pics! - 25
(Knoxville, farragut/knox incall)
Top of the line. Nothing compares to me!
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, hotel room)
This sexy professional blonde has time for you now! YOU are the focus with me! W/E specials - 22
(Knoxville, West Knoxville@Lovell rd)
_____ TALL ______ BLONDE ____ 4 _______________ RING _ OF _ FIRE ___ MASSAGE __________ ___________ - 26
♤~ ThInK U CaN HaNdLe My PlAyLaNd??? DaRe U.. •• SpEcIals ♡♡ - 24
(Knoxville, west knoxville..wherever u are)
Report Ad~ *•♛•* *:•.♥ ;•:*¨¨*:• : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS •:*¨¨*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - - 21
(Memphis, Germantown, Hacks Cross, i385)