Mon 27 Jan
Erotic Tuesday...ready and willing to cater to EVERY NEED222 - 26
(Knoxville, Knoxville and surrounding outcalls only)
F r e s h — H o t c a k e s — F o r — Y o u r — M �������������������� r n i n g — S a u s a g e ~RiSe & SHiNe - 22
(Knoxville, West Knox-- Ready when U R!!)
every - mans - fantasy 100% real & ready
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
[[[ H A V E [ •*• ] I T [ •*• ] Y O U R ]]] W A Y °*° E X p e r i e n c e √√√™ - 21
(Knoxville, North Knoxville / Incall)
**Curious Woman with a very Sexy Body looking for Man to have a good time with** - 25
(Knoxville, Knoxville/Alcoa)
Find myspace and facebook whores easy! 100% free sign up!
(Chattanooga, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities)
[[°F r e n c H 👅🍧🍰 V a n i l l a 👅🍧🍰 D e l i g h t°]] 100% Real. ^_^* - 21
(Knoxville, North Knoxville / Incall)
♥Exotic Mixed Dominican♥ ♡Milan♡ NEWBIE 100% Real Pics♥ Ready 2 Please♥NEWBIE 404~931~5007 - 24
(Nashville, Nashville♥Airport♥Royal Pkwy)
CLICK HERE NOW (Dont Cheat Urself Treat Urself) This Sassy Eye Candy Is Here To Plz 24\7 Day&Night; - 23
(Memphis, Memphis Bartlett CordovaAnywhere)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Enjoy SOME Time with a Real REDHEAD~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 30
(Knoxville, East Knox/ rt 40 exit 407)
💫🔥💲 🍬 🍭 CANDY 🍭 🍬💲🔥💫 100% ReaL 🌟✨✨🌟 MaIn AtTrAcTiOn 🌟✨✨🌟 BoOtYLiCiOus BrUnEtTe BomBSHELL - 25
* BuNnY* A super HOTT BuRnEtTe!!! New in town looking for some real company! 100 DoLLaR sPeCiaL!!! - 24
★ask about my specials★♡out calls♡out calls♡out calls♡★ask about my specials★ - 24
(Knoxville, Knoxville and surrounding areas)
~~~A££ Grown Up Now N Ready 2 lose Control,Aint nobodys baby nomore~~~ - 22
(Knoxville, Lovell Road is where im hosting all inca)
$60 **SPECIAL** incalls /outcalls with ALANA 865-405-4213 gentlemens choice (I'M UP LATE) - 22
Busty Babe with Wicked Curves! - 19
(Chattanooga, Clarksville, Cookeville, Knoxville, Memphis, Nashville, Tri-Cities, 10 minutes away)
♛B —! —G B —oO—T—y ♛ Thick ThiGhs, Exotic Face, aMaZiNg SKiLLs ....LEAVING TOMORROW - 30
(Knoxville, INCALL...... limited time only...)
**~AMBER~** SPECIAL! - TODAY ONLY! Knoxville's HOTTEST & HIGHLY REVIEWED Blonde Girl- Next- Door! - 26
(Knoxville, West Knoxville)
.:*:. 8652550884 .:*: Kinki Single Brunett .:*: 2 Girls Available .:*:. SEXI 100% REAL PHOTOS .:*:. - 23
(Knoxville, Knoxville my place or yours)
°•° •-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• SiNFuLLy SeDUCTiVE •-:¦:-•* & sEXY¡¡¡ - 22
(Knoxville, WeSt KnOx...)
*60 Incall Special * 8652832584 *waiting for u let me make u fall in Love Baby - 40
(Knoxville, north knox)
$60 /$100 / $150 out calls only be serious and want to meet - 37
(Knoxville, Knoxville out call only)
Sun 12 Jan
Tightest thing around. Just passing through to do what I do - 27
(Currently In Chattanooga.Travel and save, Knoxville)
~~ We are leaving in a few hours ~~ We have a special surprise for you tonight ~~ - 38
(Knoxville, Cedar Bluff , Lovell Rd, or Ur place)